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From the first moment I saw you I knew that I want to be with you forever.
-- Ayshu
I’m an adventurer, looking for treasure. – Paulo Coelho
-- Ayshu
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If you lose integrity, you’ve lost everything.
-- Ayshu
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To my friends, Thanks for being there for me. I’m grateful for you!
-- Ayshu
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I don’t think if you ask any of my childhood friends they would say that I had a weird childhood; they might say there weren’t a lot of regular rules, the conversations in the house were always very open, dreams were a great a talk about, everybody was making something all the time. ~ Jennifer Lynch
-- Ayshu
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Friendship is a special kind of love. More than endless, more than true. When friends parted ways no matter the distance, expect them to keep coming back to you. ~ John K.
-- Ayshu
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