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I found out what the secret to life is-friends. Best friends.
-- Anonymous
When Job was prosperous he had great expectations from his friends. During his lowest moments, his friends disappointed him. This event in Job’s life provides an insight, that those who rely on people often will be disappointed while those who put their confidence in God will have help in time of need. Job was heavily burdened as his friends assumed wrong his iniquity.
-- Anonymous
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Friendship quotes from the Bible capture insights of the joys and camaraderie in friendships, the pain of losing a soul-friend, betrayal of friends, and Jesus’ definition of a friend.
-- Anonymous
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A betrayal of a friend can be very painful. It can well happen in the fellowship of fellow believers. The psalmist declares his deep hurt from once a happy and great relationship. The true Christian must also expect trials from professed friends in church, and accept the fact that it will be painful.
-- Anonymous
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I cried, you and wiped my tears. I was sad and you made me laugh. But when I fell for you, you did not catch me.
-- Anonymous
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You can always tell when two people are best friends because they are having more fun than it makes sense for them to be having.
-- Unknown
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