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As you clearly see, I am taking it slow. I don’t want to aim too much on July. I hope you are done with your plans for July 2016. If so, please share your plans via the comment section. In case, you didn’t plan for July yet, I highly recommend you to write down your goals. Once when you put down your goals on paper, you force yourself to make the progress.
-- Anonymous
I love the productivity tools listed in this book. I have bookmarked many of them. If you want to save time and be more productive, read this book.
-- Anonymous
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Free tools for writers, bloggers and solopreneurs by Karen Banes
-- Anonymous
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Also, prepare a plan to achieve your goals. This will help you to understand where you should control yourself.
-- Anonymous
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Pain in this life is not avoidable, but the pain we create avoiding pain is avoidable.
-- R.D. Laing
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When someone tells you you can’t turn around and say watch me.
-- Ayshu
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