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The years teach much the days never know. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
-- Anonymous
I want to be the girl who does shopping blindly but with the money of her own.
-- Ayshu
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It does not take much strength to do things, but it requires great strength to decide on what to do.
-- Elbert Hubbard
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Nothing is so beautiful as spring – when weeds, in wheels, shoot long and lovely and lush; Thrush’s eggs look little low heavens, and thrush through the echoing timber does so rinse and wring the ear, it strikes like lightning to hear him sing.
-- Anonymous
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I love spring flowers: daffodils and hyacinths are the ultimate flower for me. They are the essence of spring.
-- Kirsty Gallacher
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Worry less, Smile more, Don’t regret, Just learn and grow.
-- Ayshu
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