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Quality must be integrated into the design and into each process. It cannot be created by the inspection.
-- Anonymous
The person you consider ignorant and insignificant is the one who came from God, that he might learn bliss from grief and knowledge from gloom. –
-- Khalil Gibran
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Be kind like a flower and know that life is beautiful like springtime. –
-- Debasish Mridha
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There is no pain so great as the memory of joy in present grief. –
-- Aeschylus
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There are big problems that change the world. If we are working together, that will make us understand each other, appreciate each other, help each other.
-- Jack Ma
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Once I started to focus on important tasks at the morning itself and get them done quickly, I escape from the clutch of procrastination. As I always work on hardest task on the morning, I don’t hesitate to finish the rest of the easier tasks later on the day. Early morning rising has increased my productivity to a greater extent.
-- Anonymous
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