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I consider you a real superhero because you have helped all these people without any personal interest. People like you are hard to find. Thank you so much.
-- Anonymous
Make sure you can see your goals all the time. I have a dedicated goal book which I go through each day. I also write monthly goal post here. All these are my constant reminders on where I want to see myself after a certain period.
-- Vijayaraj
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The key to blissful relaxation; was easing cumbersome tensions from the brain; reinvigorating it with perfume.
-- Nikhil Parekh
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When times are hard and you are mentally and physically exhausted and feel like you have nothing left and all you want to do is quit, that’s when you find out who you are.
-- David Goggins
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When you become a master of your mind, you are a master of everything.
-- Anonymous
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We accumulate our opinions at an age when our understanding is at its weakest.
-- Anonymous
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