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What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family. – Mother Teresa
-- Anonymous
I’m a strong woman but every now and then, I need someone to hold my hand and tell me, everything will be alright.
-- Anonymous
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When a girl has a bad relationship with her father, or he’s not in her life for whatever reason, she will always try to find the love that she wish she had with her dad from a boy, and she will put so much trust and expectations into him like she would her father, she just wants someone to Love her like a dad would..
-- Anonymous
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Are you trivializing the sisterhood if you dye your hair or have your eyebrows threaded? I’d say the answer to that is no. But equally, it’s a perfectly valid feminist thing to say there is a certain amount of attention on a woman’s appearance, and I don’t wish that to be the focus or a distraction.
-- Louise Mensch
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A sister will always notice her sister’s first gray hairs with glee.
-- Allison M. Lee
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Remember, as far as everyone knows we are a nice, normal family.
-- Anonymous
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