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Your simple smile can lighten the darkest places.
-- Anonymous
With a passing year, shall pass the pains and troubles of the past. Stop thinking about the times that are gone, instead waste your time worrying about the future. May you have a great New Year.
-- Anonymous
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I changed my password to incorrect. So whenever I forget what it is the computer will say Your password is incorrect.
-- Ayshu
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Take a breath and gaze up at the stars. See the two brightest stars? Those are my eyes twinkling back at you.
-- Vijayaraj
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A house is not defined by how many rooms or stories it has. I always judge a place by what kind of energies it gives off. –
-- Anonymous
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A listening ear, with a caring heart, and helping hand will make the world a better place to live. – Pankaj Chougule
-- Pankaj Chougule
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