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Hold on to the tiny moments, and cherish the little snuggles. They grow up so fast. It’s the little memories that will last a lifetime.
-- Anonymous
I can have everything I love at the same time. I can have my family, I can have my friends, and I can have my quiet life, which I also like. I can have my football, and I can have everything together, and I don’t need to give up one to be better than what I am.
-- Jose Mourinho
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Don’t be like the rest of them Darling..DARE TO BE DIFFERENT!!!
-- Vijayaraj
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A mother is your first friend, your best friend, your forever friend.
-- Anonymous
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Spoil me with loyalty. I can finance myself.
-- Anonymous
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I love my sisterYour sister isn’t always your blood relation. Sometimes it’s that close friends who understands you, loves you and has always got your back. If you have a loving sister or someone in your life you class as your sister, share this on your wall and show them some love.
-- Anonymous
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