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You get what you deserve in life
-- Anonymous
You go through life wondering what is it all about but at the end of the day it’s all about family.
-- Rod Stewart
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Effective networking isn’t a result of luck – it requires hard work and persistence. – Lewis Howes
-- Ayshu
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I may look calm but in my mind I’ve killed you three times.
-- Anonymous
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In life, you will realize there is a role for everyone you meet. Some will test you, some will use you, some will love you, and some will teach you. But the ones who are truly important are the ones who bring out the best in you. They are the rare and amazing people who are remind you why it’s worth it. – Buddha
-- Vijayaraj
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The way people treat you, is a statement about who they are as a human being. It is not a statement about you.
-- Ayshu
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