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A countryman between two lawyers is like a fish between two cats.
-- Anonymous
I miss my mom. I wish she could just get her life together.
-- Anonymous
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Getting a great idea with song writing is a lot like love. You don’t know why this one is different, but it is. You don’t know why this one is better, but it is. It sticks in your head, and you can’t stop thinking about it.
-- Taylor Swift
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Cats will outsmart dogs every time.
-- John Grogan
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Birds teach us something very important: To whatever height you rise, you will finally come down to the ground!
-- Anonymous
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Today, I’d like to talk to Bob Marley. I’d just like to ask him what was his method. Bob is one of the greatest songwriters ever. I don’t know if people understand how powerful his songs are and the simplicity and genius behind them, from ‘Redemption Song’ to ‘Is This Love?’ and ‘I Shot the Sheriff.’
-- Bruno Mars
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