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Sometimes when you give up on someone, it’s not because you don’t care anymore, but because you realize they don’t.
-- Ayshu
At some point, you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart, but not in your life.
-- Ayshu
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Strangers think I’m quiet, my friends think I’m outgoing, but my best friends know that I’m completely insane.
-- Ayshu
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Love to wake up with sunshine on my face
-- Ayshu
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In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks. – John Muir
-- Ayshu
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One’s family is the most important thing in life. I look at it this way: One of these days I’ll be over in a hospital somewhere with four walls around me. And the only people who’ll be with me will be my family. – Robert Byrd
-- Ayshu
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