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Happiness is falling asleep next to you and waking up thinking I’m still in my dreams.
-- Vijayaraj
We have self-centered minds which get us into plenty of trouble. If we do not come to understand the error in the way we think, our self-awareness, which is our greatest blessing, is also our downfall.
-- Vijayaraj
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An active mind thinks ahead. An empty one takes you back to old grudges. – Haresh Sippy
-- Vijayaraj
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Every step of the way you were there for me. Through thick and thin I’ll always be there for you. Happy birthday wishes!
-- Vijayaraj
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Some people are old at 18 and some are young at 90… Time is a concept that humans created.
-- Vijayaraj
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Ah! It’s your birthday and I had to remind mom to buy you a cake.
-- Vijayaraj
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