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Turn obstacles to your advantage and move forward. Find a way to overcome these challenges. As Richard Bach said, every problem has a gift for you in its hands. 
-- Anonymous
There is no success without hardship. –
-- Sophocles
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I would vote for the man who’s lived life, who’s done different occupations, who’s been out in the real world and struggled to make a living, struggled to raise a family, struggled with life as it exists. So I’d vote for experience, honest experience. –
-- Oliver Stone
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The true spirit of sports is the same as the true spirit of life! It’s all play!
-- Anonymous
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Past is a Waste Paper, Present is a News Paper, and Future is a Question Paper. So read and write carefully. Otherwise life will be a tissue paper.
-- Vijayaraj
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Life is like the ocean. It can be calm or still, and rough or rigid, but in the end, it is always beautiful. –
-- Unknown
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