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Family where life begins and love never ends
-- Anonymous
It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.
-- Alan Cohen
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To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often. -Winston Churchill
-- Anonymous
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Gossip is what no one claims to like, but everybody enjoys.
-- Ayshu
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Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity – not a threat.
-- Steve Jobs
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We got spoiled with ‘Friday Night Lights.’ Not every show is like that, and on other shows, if you try to bring that same truth or that same approach, the system of television doesn’t always allow for that level of collaboration, which is unfortunate because the work would be richer.
-- Anonymous
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