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Please don’t hate me because I’m beautiful.
-- Anonymous
Often we tend to improve many things together. Any failure in one area would disrupt the flow on others too. Take one step at a time and start small.
-- Anonymous
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Never abandon life. There is a way out of everything except death.
-- Anonymous
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Education is passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.
-- Malcolm X
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I started to wake up early to do my hardest tasks. However it won’t be practical for many. Waking up early itself a big challenge and while you struggle at it, if your mind thinks of doing hardest task you might be easily put off and will end up in procrastinating more. In that case, plan your day to do the tasks which you love the most in the morning. This will make you to wake up early.
-- Anonymous
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The survival of poor opinions can make a thinker feel as though he is failing humanity.
-- Criss Jami
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