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What he meant, of course, was that there would always be wars, that they were as easy to stop as glaciers. I believe that, too.And even if wars didn't keep coming like glaciers, there would still be plain old death.
-- Kurt Vonnegut
This theory argues that artists are useful to society because they are so sensitive. They are supersensitive. They keel over like canaries in coal mines filled with poison gas, long before more robust types realize that any danger is there.
-- Kurt Vonnegut
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Reading a novel, War and Peace for example, is no Catnap. Because a novel is so long, reading one is like being married forever to somebody nobody knows or cares about.
-- Kurt Vonnegut
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A writer off-guard since the materials with which he works are so dangerous can expect agony as quick as a thunderclap.
-- Kurt Vonnegut
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It was Trout's fantasy that somebody would be outraged by the footprints. This would give him the opportunity to reply grandly, What is it that offends you so? I am simply using man's first printing press. You are reading a bold and universal headline which says,'I am here, I am here, I am here.
-- Kurt Vonnegut
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