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The two most important life-goals I would like every youth to have: one, increase the amount of time that you have at your disposal two, increase what you can achieve in the time available.
-- Vijayaraj
ONGC – Making Tomorrow Brighter.
-- Vijayaraj
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Home is people. Not a place. If you go back there after the people are gone, then all you can see is what is not there anymore. – Robin Hob
-- Vijayaraj
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Life is not a fairytale to have a happy ending all the time. No. Life is tough. But if you learn to stay positive and appreciate the little things in life, you can live a happy life.
-- Vijayaraj
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Happiness is a wonderful gift. It makes your day bright and cheerful and gives you the optimism to do new things in life. So, always be happy and a very good morning.
-- Vijayaraj
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Holiday Inn – Pleasing people the world over.
-- Vijayaraj
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