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Always classy, never trashy, and a little bit sassy
-- Anonymous
Despair – or as I like to call it, des-pair – means feeling unpaired in a world in which it feels like everyone else is paired with a good job, a happy marriage, loving family, caring, and hope – and you’re not.
-- Mark Goulston
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Brother, I love you so much. May all the best blessings rain upon you today and always. Happy birthday.
-- Vijayaraj
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Dead Beat Dads say stuff like I miss my kids so much & I love my kids but have yet to be involved in their kids lives and then expect the mother to jump when he says he wants to see them.
-- Anonymous
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Abortion is not a sign that women are free, but a sign that they are desperate.
-- Anonymous
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I’m lucky to have family around me. Otherwise, I’ll be taking the risk of falling in love with myself.
-- Shakira
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