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Life is good, life is fine; life is tremendous all the time. –
-- Unknown
Life takes you down many paths but my favourite ones lead to the beach. –
-- Unknown
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People think being alone makes you LONELY, but I don’t think that is true. Being surrounded by wrong people is the loneliest thing in World. ~ 
-- Unknown
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Not even the greatest distance can end a friendship as beautiful as ours, I am sad you are so far away but I know that we will always be very close.
-- Unknown
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Respect your elders.   Learn from the people who have walked the path before you… respect them.  Because someday and sooner than you could ever imagine you are going to be old, too. –
-- Unknown
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I know a man with a huge belly, large smile, and who has salt & pepper hair. Who is always there and by some way has magic power to make me smile. It’s not Santa but my grandfather.
-- Unknown
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