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Smile is much closer to tears than laughter.
-- Anonymous
Everybody loves a good Christmas song if you do it right.
-- Anonymous
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It’s important to me that there’s not just one story told about our city. ‘LSD’ is an ode to Chicago, a song for the complicated love I have for my city.
-- Jamila Woods
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‘Heartbeats’ is a film on people magnifying and subliming reality when they’re in love. Hence the overstylized look, the aesthetics, the robes, the dresses, the vintage, hipster-ish look: All of this is voluntary. I’m not a hipster. I’m not!
-- Xavier Dolan
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My aesthetic is I love anything in the late 1800s, early 1900s.
-- Troy Nixey
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There’s a certain feeling of giving, a certain feeling of generosity in love songs. When you sing a song of love, you’re actually giving something to yourself, too. You’re singing and casting these affirmations of love out into the universe. It resonates in your body in a way that feels extraordinary.
-- Jason Mraz
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