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The laugh of a daughter is the favorite symphony of a father.
-- Anonymous
In order to move on, you must understand why you felt what you did and why you no longer need to fell it.
-- Anonymous
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Sisterhood is powerful. Woman can support each other as women, in their pursuit for enlightenment or anything else, without fear. But as long as she’s still in the commodities exchange market, buying and selling, she must fear the competition.
-- Frederick Lenz
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I love you I am your parent, you are my child I am your quiet place, you are my wild I am your calm face, you are my giggle I am your wait, you are my wiggle I am your dinner, you are my chocolate cake I am your bedtime, you are my wide awake I am your lullaby, you are my peekaboo I am your goodnight kiss, you are my I love you
-- Anonymous
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Knowing your family so well, you can tell who’s coming down the stairs by the sound of their footsteps.
-- Anonymous
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No daughter and mother ever live apart, no matter what the distance between them.
-- Christie Watson
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