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As time goes by, we start to see more clearly, and are able to see that it wasn’t all bad, and that perhaps just perhaps the breakup was a gift.
-- Ayshu
Rationalists are admirable beings; rationalism is a hideous monster when it claims for itself omnipotence. Attribution of omnipotence to reason is as bad a piece of idolatry as is the worship of stock and stone believing it to be God. I plead not for the suppression of reason, but for a due recognition of that in us which sanctifies reason.
-- Ayshu
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Never let your friends feel lonely! Disturb them at all times!
-- Ayshu
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When you choose your friends, don’t be short-changed by choosing personality over character.
-- Ayshu
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The people who knows the least about you always has the most to say about you.
-- Ayshu
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The only thing I like better than talking about food is eating.
-- Ayshu
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