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There is nothing as tragic as being alive and not enjoying life… Life should be celebrated!
-- Joyce Meyer
You see, rebellion, and the disobedience it causes, keeps us from having the power of God that’s available to us as Christians.
-- Joyce Meyer
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Reproach is a shame, blame, disgrace, disapproval and a disrespectful attitude toward yourself. When you’re under reproach, your behavior shows it. –
-- Joyce Meyer
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I believe that a trusting attitude and a patient attitude go hand in hand. You see, when you let go and learn to trust God, it releases joy in your life. And when you trust God, you’re able to be more patient. Patience is not just about waiting for something… it’s about how you wait, or your attitude while waiting.
-- Joyce Meyer
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Reproach is a shame, blame, disgrace, disapproval and a disrespectful attitude toward yourself. When you’re under reproach, your behavior shows it.
-- Joyce Meyer
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