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You will get there when you are meant to get there and not one moment sooner…so relax, breathe, and be patient. –
-- Unknown
Some people try very hard to impress others but in the bargain lose their own identity.
-- Unknown
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They laugh at me because I am different; I laugh at them because they are all the same. – Unknown
-- Unknown
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Life goes on… whether you choose to move on and take a chance in the unknown. Or stay behind, locked in the past, thinking of what could’ve been.
-- Unknown
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We are not given a good life or a bad life. We are given a life.  It’s up to us to make it good or bad. –
-- Unknown
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People think being alone makes you LONELY, but I don’t think that is true. Being surrounded by wrong people is the loneliest thing in World. ~ 
-- Unknown
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