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The true purpose of education is to make minds, not careers. –
-- Anonymous
Don’t trade authenticity for approval
-- Anonymous
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A fish cannot be aware of the ocean, before jumping up out of water. – Rixa White
-- Rixa White
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The first stop towards stopping these unwanted feelings is to acknowledge it. Yes, you heard me right. The first thing you need to realize is that something on life is unpleasant at the moment and that has demanded your attention. You need to think about it. However, you need to get over it ..may be in a day or two.
-- Vijayaraj
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love yourself you are the only person who is with you, your entire life.
-- Anonymous
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Waiting is almost an action less action: the action of inaction, the suspension of movement, the anticipation of action rather than the action itself.
-- Diane Elam
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