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The function of education is to teach one thing intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.
-- Anonymous
Excellence isn’t being the best; it’s doing your best.
-- Anonymous
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A man dies when he refuses to stand up for that which is right. A man dies when he refuses to stand up for justice. A man dies when he refuses to take a stand for that which is true.
-- Anonymous
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Segregation…not only harms one physically but injures one spiritually…It scars the soul…It is a system which forever stares the segregated in the face, saying ‘You are less than…You are not equal to…'
-- Anonymous
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You get what you focus on, so focus on excellence.
-- Anonymous
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Excellence is about fighting and pursuing something diligently, with a strict and determined approach to doing it right. It’s okay if there are flaws in the process – it makes it more interesting.
-- Anonymous
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