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Love is an emotion experienced by the many and enjoyed by the few.
-- Anonymous
The phrase I love you coming from your lips is one I could hear on repeat for the rest of my life.
-- Ayshu
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When I say, I miss you, I really do mean it. I’m not the type of person to only say those 3 words when I need something from you. If I tell you that I miss you, it means that you mean a lot to me. Not only does it mean that you have positively impacted my life, but it also means that I want you to stay. I know people come and go, and that’s life, but I’m going to be honest, I want you to stay in my life.
-- Anonymous
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The surreal, sun-kissed hues of Instagram are nothing new for me. My life was already drenched in rosy tints since the day we got married. I love you!
-- Anonymous
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There are rare people who will show up at the right time, help you through the hard times and stay into your best times… Those are the keepers. ~ Nausicaa Twila
-- Vijayaraj
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I love you, and because I love you, I would sooner have you hate me for telling you the truth than adore me for telling you lies.
-- Pietro Aretino
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