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For example, at present, I want to make writing as my habit. So I wake up every morning around 5:30 A.M and start to write. As soon as I wake up my mind knows what to do. I will grab my laptop and begin to finish my target goal to write a 500-1000 words article/day.
-- Anonymous
Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort. – Paul Meyer
-- Ayshu
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Hard work works harder than luck!
-- Germany Kent
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Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.
-- Anonymous
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This is the area where I have nil knowledge. I started focusing on this area only since last month. I didn’t achieve eve 50% of goal I set out last month. This month I want to be little more specific while defining goals.
-- Anonymous
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Imagine a yummy piece of cake starting at you from a plate. Your inner voice nudges to eat it. Your mind justifies it. After all, it is just a piece of cake. Nothing will happen to your diet by eating a piece. After all, this is your friend birthday party and you should eat a cake, otherwise, it will be considered as offending your friend.
-- Anonymous
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