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My thoughts cannot move an inch without bumping into some piece of you. And I cannot stop myself from constantly falling into you
-- Anonymous
You are the girl with the sunshine smile. Your voice is like a ray of hope. You fill my life with all the rainbow colors.
-- Ayshu
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Dear heart, please stop getting involved in Everything. Your job is just to pump blood, So stick to it.
-- Anonymous
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After a breakup, it takes a couple weeks for the fog to settle, but it’s always a period of self-priority and growth. Life presents you with so many decisions. A lot of times, they’re right in front of your face and they’re really difficult, but we must make them.
-- Brittany Murphy
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I wish that your post marriage life be filled with smiles and laughter. Happy Wedding! love will be shared on this extraordinary day when you will end your bachelor life. Wishing you a life full of love and care!
-- Anonymous
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fu*k, i’m inlove with someone i can’t have
-- Anonymous
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