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You do all these knowing well that it is going to make your bulge out. And all the exercise you did for the week gone on the drain. Why? All these are due to the single thought you had in the first minute after seeing the cake.
-- Anonymous
Old ways won’t open new doors.
-- Ayshu
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If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.
-- Ken Robinson
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The interesting thing? We’ve all experienced this pattern at some point in our lives. Fortunately there’s a quick fix: Make a plan for breaking that habit and follow it on a daily basis.
-- Anonymous
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If you are titled as good, then try to be excellent.
-- Anonymous
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Once you set up a small habit each day to accomplish the goal, try to do it every day consistently. This is the key. The habit should be so small that you should never skip it on a day.
-- Anonymous
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