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I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be.
-- Anonymous
My world feels dark when you’re not here. Even when I’m out under a cloudless sky, it feels like there’s a haze over everything. Before you, the world was filled with so many lights, streetlights, stars, the moon, and the sun. Now it feels like you are the brightest light in my life. It would explain why I feel so warm around you, how you provide me with the energy and the strength to persevere through my darkest hours. You also shine brilliantly enough that I know I’ll always be able to find my way back to
-- Anonymous
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Someone who is busier than you is running right now.
-- Vijayaraj
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With your wedding day approaching, I have just one wish for you Sis: complete happiness. I hope you have truly found you’re happily ever after!
-- Anonymous
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I get off on finding new ways to tell my wife ‘I love you.’
-- Walker Hayes
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True love is the joy of life.
-- John Clarke
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