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Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing.
-- Anonymous
Good luck is another name for tenacity of purpose.
-- Ayshu
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Writing is my love. If you love something, you find a lot of time. I write for two hours a day, usually starting at midnight; at times, I start at 11.
-- Anonymous
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You are called to stand up for life! To respect and defend the mystery of life always and everywhere, including the lives of unborn babies, giving real help and encouragement to mothers in difficult situations. You are called to work and pray against abortion.
-- Vijayaraj
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Everyone has their own ways of expression. I believe we all have a lot to say, but finding ways to say it is more than half the battle. –
-- Criss Jami
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Life is short… Work where you’re continuously accepted, respected, appreciated, encouraged and valued.
-- Anonymous
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