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Associate yourself with good people…Because its better to be alone than surrounded by bad company. –
-- Unknown
If you give too much value to the pain of the past and uncertainty of the future, you will waste the power of today.
-- Unknown
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Why do we close our eyes when we pray, cry, kiss, and dream?  Because the most beautiful things in life are not seen but felt only by the heart. –
-- Unknown
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Only your strength helps you to live; only hard times make you stronger!
-- Unknown
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Being a good person is like being a goal keeper; no matter how many goals you save some people will remember only the one that you missed. –
-- Unknown
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I don’t understand why Cupid was chosen to represent Valentine’s Day. When I think about romance, the last thing on my mind is a short, chubby toddler coming at me with a weapon.
-- Unknown
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