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On the one hand, faith is a profoundly personal contact with God, which touches me in my innermost being and places me in front of the living God in absolute immediacy in such a way that I can speak with Him, love Him, and enter into communion with Him.
-- Anonymous
Dear God,Protect me from anything that wasn’t sent by you.
-- Anonymous
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Dear God,I need you more than ever. Please bring peace to my confusion, joy to my sadness, and hope to my heart.
-- Anonymous
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God… a being whose only definition is that he is beyond man’s power to conceive.
-- Ayn Rand
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Let me say that I consider myself a deep believer in the reality of God. I might define God quite differently from the way some people in the Christian faith would do so, but I do not doubt the reality of that experience.
-- Anonymous
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I may not be where I want to be, but thank God I am not where I used to be.
-- Joyce Meyer
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