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What if I say that there exist a simple habit that will only take less than 5 minutes to wipe out all these worries. What if there is a simple technique that can prevent you from losing your day because someone doesn’t take the time to appreciate you.
-- Anonymous
The idea here is to begin something with the tiniest goal so I won’t find it frightening!!! Also, I made necessary plans to avoid quitting the habit after few days.
-- Anonymous
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However, all my exercise routine turned dismal because of my lack of control over the food that I ate. It dawned on me that if I need to see results I need to control myself from foraying food each time like the one who didn’t eye it for weeks.
-- Vijayaraj
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A little hard work never hurt anyone. – Mary Sage Nguyen
-- Anonymous
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Goal: Organize photo albums on hard disk
-- Anonymous
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I unsubscribed from all newsletter emails (from banks, websites, shopping sites.. etc) that are irrelevant to me.
-- Anonymous
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