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Suppose say you have set yourself to write one page each week and show it your friend, and then if you achieve this, go for a movie or do something you wish to do for a long time. Don’t even bother about your friend’s comment on your writing. Here the point is you have done the task and you deserve a treat from yourself.
-- Anonymous
Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, and stop caring what others think.
-- Anonymous
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Make up your mind that no matter what comes your way, no matter how difficult, no matter how unfair, you will do more than simply survive. You will thrive in spite of it. – Joel Osteen
-- Joel Osteen
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Education is the best gift you could ever receive, because once you have it, no one can ever take it from you.
-- Unknown
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I feel lost inside myself.
-- Anonymous
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Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them. – Dalai Lama
-- Vijayaraj
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