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Honeywell Int’l Inc. – If we say it, we’ll do it.
-- Vijayaraj
I have to wear a fake smile every single day because the girl who aborted her baby isn’t allowed to be sad…
-- Vijayaraj
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The race for excellence has no finish line.
-- Vijayaraj
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Never stop fighting until you arrive at your destined place – that is, the unique you. Have an aim in life, continuously acquire knowledge, work hard, and have the perseverance to realize the great life.
-- Vijayaraj
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Life itself is your teacher, and you are in a state of constant learning.
-- Vijayaraj
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Hard work is painful when life is devoid of purpose. But when you live for something greater than yourself and the gratification of your own ego, then hard work becomes a labor of love. – Steve Pavlina
-- Vijayaraj
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