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The ability to convert ideas to things is the secret of outward success.
-- Anonymous
If you see the world with the vision of love. You will find everything so beautiful and meaningful!!
-- Anonymous
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Listen to your elders’ advice. Not because they are always right, but because they have more experience of
-- Being Wrong”
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A man who goes into a restaurant and blatantly disrespects the servers shows a strong discontent with his being. Deep down he knows that restaurant service is the closest thing he will ever experience being served like a king. –
-- Criss Jami
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Don’t worry if you’re making waves just by being yourself. The moon does it all the time.
-- Scott Stabile
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I have to ask Allah’s forgiveness and not get angry, because they come to me out of love, and it’s not fitting that I should turn to them in hatred. ~
-- Anonymous
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