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Laughter is the jam on the toast of life. It adds flavor, keeps it from being too dry, and makes it easier to swallow.
-- Anonymous
Love is a really scary thing, and you never know what’s going to happen. It’s one of the most beautiful things in life, but it’s one of the most terrifying. It’s worth the fear because you have more knowledge, experience, you learn from people, and you have memories.
-- Ariana Grande
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Neither seek nor avoid take what it comes.
-- Ayshu
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A beautiful rose for a beautiful woman who is my beautiful wife and has given me a beautiful life. Happy anniversary.
-- Anonymous
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Life breaks all of us sometimes…but…some grow strong at broken places.
-- Anonymous
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We seek the comfort of another. Someone to share and share the life we choose. Someone to help us through the never ending attempt to understand ourselves. And in the end, someone to comfort us along the way.
-- Anonymous
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