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I can say, Christ has been my only object; thank God, my righteousness too… Hold fast to Christ.
-- Anonymous
When God heals and restores, he brings you out better than you were before.
-- Anonymous
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I have very intense feelings of joy or sadness. I used to not like that so much because I was worried it was girly, and I wanted to be more stoic. I think this happens a lot. When you’re 16, there are qualities you wish you didn’t have, and then when you’re 30, you’re like, ‘Thank God I have that; otherwise, I’d be living less vividly.’
-- Greta Gerwig
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Father God, Your word says the prayer of faith shall heal the sick. We come to You today in faith asking that you heal us from every sickness, disease, and illness. We receive our healing by faith. In Jesus name amen.
-- Anonymous
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God thank you for keeping me together when I’m falling apart.
-- Anonymous
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Faith is about trusting God when you have unanswered questions.
-- Joel Osteen
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