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Help stop global warming one iceberg at a time.
-- Anonymous
Intelligence plus experience creates ideas and experimentation with that form of chemistry-the contact of ideas with events-is the field of adult education. –
-- Felix Morley
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To be an amazing person you need to be loyal to your religion, loyal to your people and loyal to yourself…..
-- Zainab Asif
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Taking time out each day to relax and renew is essential to living well. – 
-- Judith Lasater
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Identity is a prison you can never escape, but the way to redeem your past is not to run from it but to try to understand it and use it as a foundation to grow.
-- Jay Z
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You cannot get me to be disloyal to a friend. You just can’t do it. Loyalty is a part of what I live by. I didn’t say I was going to be loyal to my friend because he was right. I’m going to be loyal to my friend because he’s my friend.
-- Jim Brown
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