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Visualization has tremendous power over the way we think. Once we visually and see the damage we are going to create out of our bad decisions, we refrain from doing it.
-- Anonymous
I guess the worst day I have had was when I had to stand up in rehab in front of my wife and daughter and say ‘Hi, my name is Sam and I am an addict.
-- Anonymous
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Most obviously I would want to sleep on the bed telling some excuses. Have a goal that clearly tells why you want to form a particular habit. This will keep you focused and help you to accomplish the task which you set out to do.
-- Anonymous
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Friends who hold visions of your success as much as their own are a blessing.
-- Yung Pueblo
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Self-belief and hard work will always earn you success.
-- Virat Kohli
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I believe in work, hard work, and long hours of work. Men do not breakdown from overwork, but from worry and dissipation.
-- Anonymous
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