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Friends that dont accept you for who you are, are not really your friends.Your True friend will never try to change you.
-- Anonymous
A circle is round it has no end, that’s how long I want to be your friend!
-- Anonymous
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Our Friendship is like a special rose that never withers away..Even when we’re not are always in my heart!
-- Ayshu
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The psalmist in this quote is afflicted, sad and weak in faith. Sometimes even those who deeply believe in God experience a down syndrome, feeling the weariness of day to day existence and challenges that go with living. The writer of Psalm describes his own feelings. He calls to look upon God the Almighty and bemoans
-- Anonymous
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Ten minutes with a genuine friend is better than years spent with anyone less. ~ Crystal Woods
-- Ayshu
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Finding friends with the same mental disorder PRICELESS.
-- Anonymous
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