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When I accept myself, I am freed from the burden of needing you to accept me.
-- Steve Maraboli
Love is a reason for so many thingsā€¦ But not to tolerate disrespect and abuse. Let love be the force that heals you from a bad relationship; not what keeps you in it.
-- Steve Maraboli
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It is important that we forgive ourselves for making mistakes. We need to learn from our errors and move on. ~ Steve Maraboli
-- Steve Maraboli
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Don't let other people's opinions distort your reality. Be true to yourself. Be bold in pursuing your dreams. Be unapologetically you!
-- Steve Maraboli
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Start shaping your own day. Start walking your own walk. This journey is yours, take charge of it. Stop giving other people the power to shape your life.
-- Steve Maraboli
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It takes bravery to recognize where in your life you are your own poison... it takes courage to do something about it.
-- Steve Maraboli
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