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To sleep properly throughout the night, always eat proper food before going to bed. Finish off your dinner at least 2 to 3 hour prior going to bed. If you feel hungry after having early dinner, then to control huger eat easily digestible food before going to bed like fruits or juice etc.
-- Anonymous
Forgiveness is the final form of love. –
-- Reinhold Niebuhr
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The sparrows jumped before they knew how to fly, and they learned to fly only because they had jumped.
-- Lauren Oliver
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They have their opinions, but we have the answers.
-- Anthony Liccione
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Often we lack confidence mainly because of the fear of facing the dreadful situation. Suppose say you want to present your project in front of a group. Your immediate thoughts would be, how will I manage if they ask difficult questions, what will I do if I stammer in the middle of conversation. All these are natural and you can easily overcome it.
-- Anonymous
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Everything is within the limit of possibility.
-- Ayshu
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