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Relationships are just two people constantly asking each other what they want to eat until one of them dies.
-- Anonymous
A happy relationship is made up of two good forgivers.
-- Anonymous
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Deal with yourself as a individual, worthy of respect and make everyone else deal with you the same way. – 
-- Nikki Giovanni
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Motherhood is hard. I try my best, but some days I struggle to be the mama I want to be. I get exhausted. I make mistakes. I lose my cool. And some days I struggle to find myself. But, regardless how hard it gets, each day I still show up. And in the end, no one could ever love my child the way I do.
-- Vijayaraj
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The fact of life is that pain and pleasure reside just side by side. Just like the Roses and the thorns, you cannot have one without the other.
-- Vijayaraj
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People say time heals all would that someday the pain will subside.  But grandma I can tell you I think they must have lied. –
-- Victoria L.Payne
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