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Some people say they want a Prince Charming, But I on the other hand, Say I don’t. That’s because I have a guy a billion times better than that. I love you more each Valentine’s Day.
-- Anonymous
I am so grateful and blessed for having special mother like you. I appreciate you a lot. Take care always and God bless. Wish you a good health. Happy Mother’s Day.
-- Anonymous
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Motherhood: All love begins and ends there.
-- Robert Browning
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My mom is definitely my rock.
-- Alicia Keys
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Valentine’s Day is not just for lovers, it is for celebrating it with the people whom you love. Expressing my heartfelt love to the people who are my life. Happy Valentine to the best family.
-- Anonymous
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I want an official Red Ryder, carbine action, two-hundred shot range model air rifle!
-- Anonymous
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