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The psalmist in this quote is afflicted, sad and weak in faith. Sometimes even those who deeply believe in God experience a down syndrome, feeling the weariness of day to day existence and challenges that go with living. The writer of Psalm describes his own feelings. He calls to look upon God the Almighty and bemoans
-- Anonymous
Old friends, we say, are best, when some sudden disillusionment shakes our faith in a new comrade. ~ Gelett Burgess
-- Ayshu
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The rose and the thorn, and sorrow and gladness are linked together. – Saadi
-- Ayshu
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When Job was prosperous he had great expectations from his friends. During his lowest moments, his friends disappointed him. This event in Job’s life provides an insight, that those who rely on people often will be disappointed while those who put their confidence in God will have help in time of need. Job was heavily burdened as his friends assumed wrong his iniquity.
-- Anonymous
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The worst solitude is to have no real friendships.
-- Francis Bacon
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To love without condition, To talk without intention, To give without reason, and to care without expectation... this is the heart of a TRUE FRIEND.
-- Anonymous
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