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As soon as your mind engages in a decision-making process, don’t jump on the first thought. That’s where you go wrong. Take a couple of minutes at least to decide upon your course of action.
-- Anonymous
Addiction is a really hard thing to kick.
-- Nikki Sixx
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Success is dependent on effort.
-- Anonymous
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In my case, I need to reduce 2 kg. To achieve that, I should stop eating junk. Hence, I prepared myself to avoid unhealthy foods.
-- Anonymous
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Be thankful for what you have. Work hard for what you don’t have. – Unknown
-- Unknown
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As you know, I am taking baby steps to clear the clutter around me. This month is to clear my hard disk. I have been accumulating my two ‘1 Terabyte’ hard disks with mindless junks. I plan to declutter my photo albums this month. The idea is to organize each photo by year and events, and if possible take necessary backup for important pictures.
-- Anonymous
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